Organization chart|組織図
ドレイク・ファウンデーションは、故ハル・A・ドレイク、カズ・K・ドレイクにより設立された組織です。国際チャリティ事業、メディア組織、教育事業、文化事業、スポーツ事業に 貢献をしてきました。
The Drake Foundation is an organization established by the late Hal A. Drake and Kaz K. Drake. It has contributed to international charity initiatives, media organizations, educational projects, cultural endeavors, and sports programs.

Netword International Services Pty Ltd.|ネットワード・インターナショナル
Network International (NIS), aiming to promote mutual understanding through cross-cultural exchange in the Asia-Pacific region, established the Japan-Australia educational institution "Pacific Cross-Cultural Education Academy (PCA)." Based in Japan with a branch in Australia, NIS has been advancing mutual understanding between Japan and Australia through cultural, educational, and cross-cultural exchange programs. With over 20 years of contributions and achievements, NIS has established its headquarters in Australia as a registered company and continues to strive for further growth and development.